型号 |
规格 |
UIS-001 |
1.5寸积分球 Integrating sphere with 1.5inch internal diameter |
UIS-002 |
3寸积分球 Integrating sphere with 3inch internal diameter |
UIS-003 |
15CM 积分球 Integrating sphere with 3inch internal diameter |
UIS-004 |
20cm积分球 Integrating sphere with 8inch internal diameter |
UIS-005 |
30cm 积分球 Integrating sphere with 30cm internal diameter |
UIS-006 |
反射式积分球 reflective integrating sphere |
UIS-007 |
50cm 积分球 Integrating sphere with 50cm internal diameter |
UIS-008 |
散射反射率积分球 Diffuse Reflectance integrating sphere |